- Branch Programs Assist with planning and obtaining speakers, facilities, and publicity.
- Community Outreach Assist with branch programs supporting local organizations, such as Community Solutions and the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce.
- Hospitality Coordinate refreshments and setup for branch events, such as the membership luncheons or holiday parties.
- Newsletter Assist with providing information for our monthly newsletter and calendar of events.
- Public Policy Inform members of state and national legislative issues and organize public candidate forums for local elections.
- Publicity Promote branch activities and programs through our newsletter, email, press releases, flyers and personal contacts.
- Scholarship Committee Participate in the process of selecting scholarship winners from Gilroy high schools and community colleges. Mentor the recipients through their college years.
- Tech Trek Assist with the selection of campers for the math and science summer camp for middle school girls, sponsored by AAUW-California.
- Voter Education Assist with election forums, register voters, educate the public about non-partisan issues.
- Website Assist in maintaining or providing information for our branch website